Schools using an App

Partners can use the Eduplaces IDM to get a list of schools using their app. The amount of information available about each school depends on the permissions granted to the partner by Eduplaces. The list of schools should be used to build outstanding features that will help schools to use the app more effectively. It is important to note that the list should not be used to contact schools for marketing purposes or to share information with third parties.

Partners can access the list of schools in the context of a specific app. Only schools that have enabled the app will be listed (at least one activation).

Eduplaces API

GET /schools

PathAuthenticationRequired Scope
/idm/ep/v1/schoolsAccess Token in the apps context (Client Credentials)urn:eduplaces:idm:v1:schools:read

Provides a list of schools that have enabled the app in the context of the current app.

HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
    "id": "25d185b6-fb83-44c1-aa6d-ee79d9c6b1fd",
    "name": "Schloss Einstein Internat",
    "address": {
      "address": "Einsteinallee 1",
      "addressAddition": "c/o Max Mustermann",
      "city": "Musterstadt",
      "zipCode": "38100"
    "location": {
      "country": "DE",
      "state": "NI"
    "officialId": "DE-NI-123456"
    "id": "1db34859-019f-42fa-9822-38b69c1deb5b",
    "name": "Löwenberg Schule",
    "address": {
      "address": "Löwenberg Str. 1",
      "addressAddition": null,
      "city": "Musterstadt",
      "zipCode": "38100"
    "location": {
      "country": "DE",
      "state": "NI"
    "officialId": "DE-NI-18K6"
GET /idm/ep/v1/schools HTTP/1.1
Host: /* or */
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer ory_at_FYfL9jJTZO15HI6EQCO-0uZg8W_KMTJHunpmXTLp8lg.uGGOCQEGOlunY9mdsWrZA3uGT03JYWdTTj8iar5MIvs

GET /schools/:id

PathAuthenticationRequired Scope
/idm/ep/v1/schools/:idAccess Token in the apps context (Client Credentials)urn:eduplaces:idm:v1:schools:read

Gets a specific school by its ID.

HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
  "id": "25d185b6-fb83-44c1-aa6d-ee79d9c6b1fd",
  "name": "Schloss Einstein Internat",
  "address": {
    "address": "Einsteinallee 1",
    "addressAddition": "c/o Max Mustermann",
    "city": "Musterstadt",
    "zipCode": "38100"
  "location": {
    "country": "DE",
    "state": "NI"
  "officialId": "DE-NI-123456"
GET /idm/ep/v1/schools/25d185b6-fb83-44c1-aa6d-ee79d9c6b1fd HTTP/1.1
Host: /* or */
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer ory_at_FYfL9jJTZO15HI6EQCO-0uZg8W_KMTJHunpmXTLp8lg.uGGOCQEGOlunY9mdsWrZA3uGT03JYWdTTj8iar5MIvs


Unfortunately, the SchulConneX specification does not provide an endpoint to list schools (organizations) so far. We are in contact with the SchulConneX team to extend the specification and provide this feature in the future.