Access Reports

Apps can send access reports to Eduplaces to let us know if the user that logged in via Eduplaces single sign-on has access to the app or not.

Keep in mind! Apps must assume that users do not necessarily have a license when logged in via Eduplaces single sign-on.

Teachers and administrators can activate apps for themselves, some of their groups, or the entire school. All apps activated for a user are available via the users Eduplaces dashboard. But this does not mean that the user has all prerequisites to use the app (e.g. have an appropriate license). Eduplaces does not manage licenses for apps. It is the responsibility of each app to check if a user or the school has a valid license.

What are access reports for?

Eduplaces is free for schools, teachers and students to use. Partners pay a fee for each school with at least one user with access to their app. By default, we generate invoices for all schools with an activation, regardless of whether they have a license or not. This might lead to unnecessary fees as partners are charged for schools that do not have a license but one of their users has activated the app. Access reports help us to determine which schools have users with access to the app and which do not.

Implementing access reports is not mandatory but highly recommended to avoid unnecessary fees.

When to send access reports?

We recommend sending access reports directly after the single sign-on process.

You need to check if the newly logged in user has access to your app anyway. So why not send the information to Eduplaces right away? Do not worry about sending duplicate reports. We will keep track of all access reports and generate invoices accordingly.

API Endpoint

We provide a single API endpoint to send access reports to Eduplaces. The endpoint is authenticated using the users access token provided during the single sign-on process. An access report can include the following information:

Authorizationrequired A users access token from the Single Sign-on flow
Request Body ParameterValue
identifierA unique identifier for the report to allow modifying the information (e.g. if the user has revoked their license early).
typeThe type of access. This can be either SCHOOL, GROUP, SINGLE_USER or NONE describing the scope of the access.
sinceoptional The UNIX timestamp when the user gained access.
untiloptional The UNIX timestamp until which the user has access.
includesTrialPeriodoptional Set to true if a trail period is part of the reported access.
POST /v1/apps/access_report HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer ory_at_FYfL9jJTZO15HI6EQCO-0uZg8W_KMTJHunpmXTLp8lg.uGGOCQEGOlunY9mdsWrZA3uGT03JYWdTTj8iar5MIvs
Content-Type: application/json

  "reports": [
      "identifier": "<ep-school-id>",
      "type": "SCHOOL",
      "since": "1709734104",
      "until": "1741266504"
      "identifier": "<ep-user-id>",
      "type": "SINGLE_USER",
      "since": "1709734104",
      "until": "1741266504",
      "includesTrialPeriod": true